Combatives Division
Our combatives system implements a variety of martial arts techniques designed to end a fight within seconds. What we teach is intended to be used when your safety is threatened. As such, there are no rules and there is no point system. The techniques we teach can be utilized by people of all ages. The emphasis and devastation lies in targeted strikes and locks where strength is not necessary. The motto we pass onto students is "Own the moment before the moment owns you." Physical altercations happen fast. We aim to prepare our students so they can avoid the event all together, or end it quickly and get to safety.
What We Cover
- Emphasis on the 3 "A"s - Awareness, Assessment, Action
- Program based in Ninjutsu, Krav Maga, Japanese Jujutsu, and Aikido
- Techniques focused on ending an altercation within seconds
- Joint locks and pain compliance
- How to target an opponent's vulnerabilities
- Escapes from various grabs and locks